Am 20. April 2023 begrüßt unser Teilprojekt zur mittelalterlichen Geschichte, „Freiwilligkeit und Martyrium“, die beiden Historiker*innen Sara M. Butler (Ohio State University) und Steffen Hope (University of Oslo) in Erfurt. Im Rahmen des Workshops “Dying Voluntarily in the Middle Ages” werden wir uns mit unterschiedlichen Formen freiwilligen Sterbens im Mittelalter beschäftigen.
About Markus
Markus Dolinsky is a historian and docotoral student at the Chair of Medieval History, University of Erfurt, a member of the Research Unit on Voluntariness since 2020, and Co-Investigator in the subproject on medieval martyrdom. His research interests include the history of the English and Scandinavian Middle Ages, intercultural exchange, and the history of ethnography, gender, and religion.