About Christiane

Christiane Kuller is Professor of Modern and Contemporary History and History Didactics at the University of Erfurt. Her research interests include the history of welfare states, administrative history and public history. She specializes in the history of national socialism and its aftermath in both German republics and is a board member of the Ettersberg Foundation, dedicated to the research into European dictatorships. Among her most significant publications are Bürokratie und Verbrechen (DeGruyter, 2013) and as editor Machtverhältnisse und Verwaltungskultur in den badischen und württembergischen Landesministerien in der Zeit des Nationalsozialismus (with Joachim Scholtyseck and Edgar Wolfrum, Kohlhammer, forthcoming 2021).

Research Field

Recent German History


University of Erfurt

Department of History

Christiane Kuller

Christiane Kuller

Principal Investigator (Recent German History)

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Other Volunteers

Anne Greule

Affiliated Member Research Unit since 2023

Pia Herzan

Member Research Unit from 2020 to 2024