We Welcome Mitchell Dean as Mercator Fellow 2023!

In summer 2023, we welcome Professor Mitchell Dean as Mercator Fellow of the Research Unit on Voluntariness. The political sociologist will support the projects of the research unit from April to July 2023 as a renowned expert in the field of governmentality studies.

The Australian scholar earned his Phd at the University of New South Wales in Sidney and his international career took him to Denmark via professorships in sociology at Macquarie University (Sydney) and the University of Newcastle. As Professor of Public Governance, he has been teaching and researching at Copenhagen Business School since 2012, where he has been head of the Department of Business Humanities and Law since 2019. He locates his research at the intersection of political sociology and social theory.

Mitchell is particularly interested in how forms of government of societies are related to concepts of power, sovereignty, and practices of truth production in social and political thinking – also with a focus on their historical ramifications, which are crucial for a critical view of the past and present. We are very honored that Mitchell joins our group as Mercator Fellow and supports our conceptual work on voluntariness, which is fundamentally guided by governmentality as our key perspective. In particular we would like to explore with him further the entanglements of voluntariness and power within our subprojects and are looking forward to inspiring talks and workshops with Mitchell in Erfurt, Jena and Oldenburg!

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Workshop – Reflect Yourself!?

What Else Is New?

New Conference Report and Podcast Episode online

On October 24 & 25, 2024 the international workshop „From Contested Ownership to (In)Voluntary Returns. Interdisciplinary Perspectives on the Postcolonial Fight for Restitution and Repatriation“ took place in Erfurt. Among other guests from Europe and Africa we especially welcomed Flower Manase, since 2009 curator of history at the National Museum of Tanzania in Dar es Salaam and visiting Mercator Fellow to the CRC “Structural Change of Property” in October and November 2024. You may read the conference report on HSozKult or listen to an interview with Flower Manase on the CRC’s podcast “Appropriate”.

Conference Report on the Workshop “Voluntariness, Women, and Development”

New conference report online!
On July 4 and 5, 2024, Maria Framke, working on the research project “Hidden Histories: Women in Rural Development Programs in India, c. 1920-1966” and affiliated with our group, organized the workshop “Voluntariness, Women and Development in Late Colonial and Postcolonial Societies.” Read more here…

Research Day Voluntariness

On June 3, 2024, we invite fellow researchers to discuss voluntariness as focus of their research and compare goals and challenges of their projects. The research day will start at 10 am with a casual welcome into a full-day program, completed by an evening lecture by philosopher Jule Govrin.