On Saturday, November 19, 2022, Markus from the subproject Martyrdom and Voluntariness in the European High and Late Middle Ages is invited to give a talk at the Humboldt University in Berlin. He will be speaking at the conference „28. Jahrestagung des Brackweder Arbeitskreises für Mittelalterforschung.“
Interesting and diverse panels are dealing with questions of renunciation in medieval history. They e.g. explicitly point to practices and places of renunciation and acknowledge that these are closely intertwined with assumptions about agency as well as the relationship between voluntariness and in-voluntariness. By providing insights into his PhD-project, Markus foregrounds forms of voluntary death in relation to renunciation in his presentation entitled “Freiwillige Selbstaufopferung – Martyrium, Suizid und das richtige Maß des Verzichts.”
The conference is taking place on Friday afternoon and the following Saturday, November 18 and 19, 2022, in the main building of the Humboldt University Berlin. If you are interested in more details, find the full program here.