Special Issue “Ausweisen – Rückführen – Abschieben”

New Contributions to the Histories of Migration with Zeithistorische Forschungen / Studies in Contemporary History Published, Co-edited by Florian Wagner

Florian Wagner, co-editor of the latest issue of the journal “Zeithistorische Forschungen / Studies in Contemporary History,” and a number of colleagues present new research on the history of expulsions and removals in  Germany and beyond, with a special focus on Africa. Several contributions discuss the historical emergence of migration and deportation regimes and explore the legal, spatial, and racist basis of expulsions. They also analyze dimensions of voluntariness in the production of “returnability” of migrants.

The special issue offers some new historical perspectives that critically engage with the treatment of migrants. Florian and his colleagues open up a marginalized field of research through a focus on removals and expulsions from the Weimar Republic to post-Nazi Germany and the 21st century. All articles are available online here, via open access.

Picture on the right: protests against police brutality and the removal of foreign students in Germany, June 1967.

Picture via Wikimedia Commons, Ludwig Binder [1928–1980]/ Stiftung Haus der Geschichte der Bundesrepublik Deutschland, Ludwig Binder Haus der Geschichte Studentenrevolte 1968 2001 03 0275.0243 (16899680929), CC BY-SA 2.0; see also http://bilder-der-revolte.de

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What Else Is New?

New Conference Report and Podcast Episode online

On October 24 & 25, 2024 the international workshop „From Contested Ownership to (In)Voluntary Returns. Interdisciplinary Perspectives on the Postcolonial Fight for Restitution and Repatriation“ took place in Erfurt. Among other guests from Europe and Africa we especially welcomed Flower Manase, since 2009 curator of history at the National Museum of Tanzania in Dar es Salaam and visiting Mercator Fellow to the CRC “Structural Change of Property” in October and November 2024. You may read the conference report on HSozKult or listen to an interview with Flower Manase on the CRC’s podcast “Appropriate”.

Conference Report on the Workshop “Voluntariness, Women, and Development”

New conference report online!
On July 4 and 5, 2024, Maria Framke, working on the research project “Hidden Histories: Women in Rural Development Programs in India, c. 1920-1966” and affiliated with our group, organized the workshop “Voluntariness, Women and Development in Late Colonial and Postcolonial Societies.” Read more here…

Research Day Voluntariness

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